Investing in Your Health
There is no denying that these are difficult economic times and that many people have to budget and cut corners wherever possible.
Making good on a New Years Resolution
With the arrival of 2011, many of us will make a get into better shape New Years resolution. Most of us, will then use exercise to attain our fitness and weight loss goals.
Aging Boomers are out there! Can this be good for society?
More and more aging Canadian baby boomers can be seen out there doing outrageous things like running, biking, playing tennis and even riding motorcycles. This cant be a good thing!
Bone Sense
Osteoporosis is a very common disease, affecting 1 in 4 people over the age of 50. As we age most of us should be doing more to minimize it’s impact on our quality of life.
Dizziness is a problem for many in our aging adult population.
Dizziness is a significant problem – ranking 2nd only to the lower back for frequency of complaints in the adult population.
Time to Hit the Links!
The popularity of golf has surged in recent years, particularly among women. Golf is a great game that can provide exercise, relaxation and social interaction
Breathe easy!
We all know that when panicked, some people hyperventilate or breath at an abnormally rapid or deep rate. Hyperventilation is extreme and can be dangerous as it results in decreased carbon dioxide levels and increased oxygen levels that produce dizziness…
School Backpacks, Back Pain & Injury Prevention
The number of children reporting back pain and back injuries has increased dramatically in recent years. Heavy kids’ school backpacks and how they are used are the likely culprits in many of these cases. While backpacks certainly are a helpful tool for managing school books and other supplies, and allow children to carry more than […]
Ankle Sprain Management
A sprained or broken ankle is something that we rarely think about, but there are few things in life more painful and downright inconvenient than a bad ankle injury. Yes, you can get one skydiving or crashing a motorcycles, but they can also occur when stepping off a curb or simply walking on uneven terrain.
Mothers need Core Strengthening
The demands on women today are higher than ever, with many balancing traditional roles of wife, homemaker and mother, with busy stressful careers and personal interests or hobbies. The result is that many women lead lives that are rewarding – but physically demanding and highly stressful.