The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is one of the most complex joints in the body, and can be affected by a range of problems. Patients with a TMJ disorder often suffer from recurring headaches or chronic pain.

Our program follows the Rocabado Techniques, and focuses on functional restoration of the biomechanics of the head, neck and craniomandibular system.

We begin with a thorough assessment of the patient’s posture, biomechanics of the TMJ dysfunction, and craniovertebral junction, followed by an evaluation of parafunctional habits (grinding, clenching, etc.) and breathing and swallowing patterns.

Treatment can consist of posture correction, cervical mobilizations and correction of muscle imbalances.


At South City Physiotherapy our TMJ dysfunction program is conducted by a registered physiotherapist with post-graduate training in TMJ dysfunctions.