Physiotherapy Times V

Physiotherapy Times is an update into physiotherapy research from the rehabilitation professionals download the newsletter

The Role of Physiotherapy in Pre and Post Natal Women

The physical changes to a women’s body as related to pregnancy are multiple. The centre of mass changes, there is more pressure on the organs, and there is increased weight to be carried. All of this in a relatively short span of time often leads to back pain, pelvic pain and urinary incontinence. In fact, over two thirds of pregnant women experience back pain, one fifth experience pelvic pain and over 40% experience urinary incontinence in their first pregnancy – with half remaining incontinent at 8 weeks post-partum, and one third experiencing a new onset of incontinence after childbirth.

Physiotherapy Times IV

Physiotherapy Times is an update into physiotherapy research from the rehabilitation professionals download the newsletter

Evidence Based Treatment of Mechanical Neck Dysfunction

Mechanical neck dysfunction is one of the most frequently treated conditions treated by physiotherapists. This condition may be the result of postural dysfunction, trauma such as an MVA, or it may be of insidious onset. Symptoms include pain, limited range of motion, radiculopathy and cervicogenic headaches.

Physiotherapy Times III

Physiotherapy Times is an update into physiotherapy research from the rehabilitation professionals download the newsletter

Physiotherapy Times II

Physiotherapy Times is an update into physiotherapy research from the rehabilitation professionals download the newsletter

What a PAIN!!!

“Pain” is one of the most common complaints patients bring to a physiotherapist. With those experiencing pain always wanting it reduced or eliminated. It is important to understand that pain is a real and complex personal experience. The more knowledge and less fear an individual has regarding their own personal pain. The better equipped they […]

Physiotherapy Times

Physiotherapy Times is an update into physiotherapy research from the rehabilitation professionals </ br> download the newsletter </ br> </ br>